602-884-1801 | Arizona Association for Foster and Adoptive Parents info@azafap.org

Your support of the Arizona Association for Foster and Adoptive Parents supports foster, adoptive and kinship families who care for the state’s most vulnerable children.  Your donation may qualify for an Arizona state tax credit under the Foster Care Tax Credit. The maximum amount allows is up to $587 for individual filers and up to $1,173 for joint filers. Please consult your tax professional for complete details on the Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit.  You are also able to give through the QCO Tax Credit and Private/Public Schools Tax Credit!

$1,000 buys 20 pairs of NEW shoes for children who have experienced foster care.  They shop for that perfect pair!

$500 buys parts to recycle 20 bicycles to give during the holidays to children who have experienced foster care.

$100 buys 4 NEW jackets that children who have experienced foster care shop for at the mall.

Mail a donation with our form:

State Tax Credit for QFCO form 2024

OR simply click to donate online: