602-884-1801 | Arizona Association for Foster and Adoptive Parents info@azafap.org
Button Pushing/Triggering 101

Button Pushing/Triggering 101

I’m a long time fan of The Ladies’ #1 Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. It is set in Botswana and to read any book in this series feels like a brief vacation to an exotic locale every time. At the same time, the characters feel familiar and neighborly so it...
Learning 101

Learning 101

I’m going to make an argument and a challenge today. I’ve spent a lot of my career trying to teach people about what it takes to make changes to old patterns of behavior. I was doing the best I could with the information available to me. When I announced my intention...
Diversity: Changing Times 101

Diversity: Changing Times 101

I just got back from a rich cultural experience. I spent 4 days with 200 people at a summer camp facility in the Hill Country of Texas. Beautiful spot. Saw the Total Eclipse. I was there with an art collective dedicated to remembering what human connection and...